Friday, May 7, 2010

2010 World Athlete Interview – Francine Stevens. Senior Pairs, Team.

What is your earliest memory of baton twirling?
I was the cute little one at the front in a Specialised (themed team event) when I was 5 years old! I didn’t officially begin twirling until I was 6 and then started competing and went to nationals in 2001 when I was 7.

What is one of your favourite routines you’ve ever done?
When I was a Juvenile, I did Dance Twirl (themed individual event) to a song from The Wizard of Oz about the scarecrow; ‘If I only had a brain!’ It was so funny, I took the character really seriously but I still laughed about it when I was on the floor. I ended up winning at nationals - shocking but awesome!
These days my favourite routine is this years Pairs with Jessica Colless, its epic! You’ll just have to wait and see!

When was your first World Championships?
Ontario, Canada in 2007. I turned 13 the day before performing; I competed in Junior Pairs with Vanessa. The experience and atmosphere of the world championships was amazing! Unfortunately I ended up getting really sick - I don’t think I’ve ever been that sick in my life! It was probably the best and worst time for me all combined into one… twirling made everything feel so much better though.

Have you had any injuries from twirling?
Yes! Countless bruises, lumps, blood blisters, and the list goes on! Only a few days ago Jessica and I were training as usual when there was a really loud bang - I had hit myself in the mouth… and chipped my tooth. I instantly thought "no worries, I’ll be right, no pain" until I spat out about a quarter of my front tooth! I freaked out; thinking the rest of my tooth had fallen out as well. We had a competition the next morning and I looked like a total ‘redneck’! Luckily the rest of my tooth was fine - everything was fixed and put back to normal the next day thanks to health insurance. It’s definitely something I don’t want happening ever again...

Are you looking forward to Norway?
Of course! I can’t wait… although it’s going to be hard work like always, I suppose. I’m looking forward to the whole experience because it’s so much fun. From the athlete’s party to the music test, it’s all worth the intense training sessions just to be on that floor doing what you love! Let’s just hope that volcano doesn’t get in our way...