Friday, May 28, 2010

2010 World Athlete Interview – Danielle Bentick. Senior Women Freestlye.

When did you first start twirling?
I started twirling in 1992 with the Dubbo RSL Youth Club. Mrs Gray was the manager and she did such a great job - she taught me so many life lessons. I have now been with the Dubbo PCYC club since late 2005.

What is one of your favourite routines you’ve ever done?
The Jungle team in 2005, it was the best! Since then I’ve always thought of it as the bench mark and I’ve received so many positive comments about it from others. It was also so fun just training and performing it.

When was your first World Championships?
1999 in Daytona Beach Florida, America. I competed in Junior Pairs with Neralee Lane. We were so nervous but the Sutherland and Bexley girls were great, they helped us out as our coach Nicole Stevens couldn’t come with us. We gained SIXTH PLACE we were soooooooo excited! Actually at one stage, when we were training on the beach, we got a crowd of people watching because they thought we were busking – they asked our parents where to put the money!

Have you had any injuries from twirling?
Yes!!! So many bruises, black eyes, a cracked nose, torn ligament, blood blisters, eggs on elbow and head, fat lips and the list goes on… I’m a bit of a Gumby.

What are you looking forward to most about Norway?
I am looking forward to exploring yet another country as an Aussie – funny things ALWAYS happen at Worlds! I’m also very excited to be able to watch the team event this year; I haven’t been able to do that for many years.

Who is your baton twirling idol?
Catherine Moua from France. She is such a strong twirler and she really drags the audience in, I literally hold my breath when she’s twirling.

What is your goal for twirling this year?
My goal is to perform a personal best in freestyle in Norway!


  1. Best of luck Dani! I hope you achieve your PB!

  2. 1999 was your first and my last....that makes me feel SO old!!

    Good Luck in Norway........Wish you all the best and hope you smash it!
